Linus Okorie
African Leading Leadership Coach and Speaker
Building Leadership Systems in Your Life
Episode Summary
I enjoyed my spirited conversation on Keep Leading LIVE!™ with Linus Okorie, a leadership expert who runs Nigeria’s most comprehensive leadership development center. Listen to this episode to learn about the importance of having systems in your life to build leadership capacity.
Keep Leading LIVE!™ (43 Minutes)
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Linus Okorie ran for Governor of Imo State at the age of 44. He spent 25 years directly impacting more than 300,000 people. Through television, he has impacted millions. This impact was achieved through Guardians of the Nation International (GOTNI), a leadership development organization founded in 1996 while Mr. Okorie was still a teenager. GOTNI has hosted hundreds of leadership conferences and roundtables across Nigeria and the United States. They have set up a GOTNI Leadership Development Centre committed to Executive Education and is Nigeria’s most comprehensive Leadership Centre.
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Leadership capital is a sought-after value
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Keep Leading LIVE (Live Recordings of the Keep Leading!® Podcast)

The key to sustainable leadership lies in the ability to thrive during uncertainty, ambiguity, and change. Grand Heron International brings you the Coaching Assistance Program, giving your employees on-demand coaching to manage through a challenging situation and arrive at a solution. Visit GrandHeronInternational.Ca/Podcast to learn more.
This podcast is part of the C Suite Radio Network, turning the volume up on business.
Welcome to the Keep Leading!® Podcast, the podcast dedicated to promoting leadership development and sharing leadership insights. Here’s your host, The Leadership Excelerator®, Eddie Turner.
Eddie Turner:
Hello, everyone! Welcome to
Keep Leading LIVE™.
Keep Leading LIVE™, like the
Keep Leading!® Podcast, is dedicated to leadership development and insights. I’m your host Eddie Turner. I work with leaders to accelerate performance and drive impact and I do that primarily through the power of executive and leadership coaching, facilitation and professional speaking.
Today, we are live on LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. So, since we are live, I want to let you know to join our conversation with my guest and myself. You will be able to tell us where you’re from, ask any questions that you have and any other comments that you may want to make. Ask any questions that you have and we look forward to engaging you for the next 30 minutes.
My guest is going to be Linus Okorie. So, if you’re not already following Linus Okorie online, I’ll give an introduction here in a second, you want to follow Linus Okorie. And, obviously, you can follow me at And if you would like to get your friends involved in this conversation, hit the share button on whatever platform you’re using and then it will put it on your timeline so they can join us as well. If you like what you’re hearing, we invite you to go ahead and hit the like button to let us know that you like what you’re hearing.
Today, we’re going to talk about building leadership systems in your life. We’ll talk about business as well but, specifically, we want to also make sure we can put that in our lives because leadership is something that we are yearning for in every aspect around the world in different facets. And so, we’re going to talk about that today with a premier leadership expert.
We’re going to talk to one of Africa’s leading leadership coaches. He’s the founder of the GOTNI Leadership Development Center and he is a speaker and author. You’re looking at him in the office that I envy. I want that office.
Mr. Linus Okorie, welcome to Keep Leading LIVE™.
Linus Okorie:
Absolutely great to be here and great to connect with my friend, the great Eddie Turner.
Eddie Turner:
Tell us about your background and all the things you’ve accomplished. Just give us a little history.
Linus Okorie:
Okay, great. So, 25 years ago, when I started a great vision called GOTNI Leadership Series or Guardians of the Nation International, I just wanted to create a sound leadership capital for the continent of Africa. I realized that there has been a huge deficit in leadership capital. As a result of that, things were going wrong in leadership development in the entire continent. So, I just wanted to make a difference. So, I created GOTNI and it’s been 25 years after. So, we are in the business of developing leadership capital. Hundreds of thousands of young people across the continent have benefited from our programs directly and millions through their televisions. So, the whole idea is that we have officially set up an institution that will provide executive leadership education for those in political leadership as well as those in the business leadership in the West African hub. And we hope that the GOTNI Leadership Center is continuing providing Africa with the best of the best of leadership opportunities. For me, that is the best way to go.
Eddie Turner:
That is fantastic. And I understand that you’ve directly impacted over 300,000 people through your work and millions, as you said, through television.
Well, fantastic. I’m looking forward to talking with you and learning more. I want to welcome to our program Lisa. Lisa is one of the top coaches in Houston and I say that because she just completed her training at one of the top institutions and she’s just a phenomenal leader here. And so, Lisa, thank you for tuning in and thank you for letting us know that you are here. Just a wonderful person. So, glad to have Lisa as well as Ivania all the way from Colombia. So, excellent. Ivania, thank you for joining from Colombia. Just love having people from around the world tuning in to our live program. Absolutely fantastic.
So, Linus, you told us a little bit about your background. Tell our listeners who may not know how you and I met.
Linus Okorie:
Very interesting. I went to Harvard, Kennedy School of Government precisely. In my class, the act and practice of leadership, as a leadership coach from Africa, one of the things I’ve always looked forward to is every year I do about three courses overseas. I mean, I travel and I go to the best of the best institutions and sit with some of the best teachers in the world. And this particular time I was at Boston, Monmouth University and right there in my class Act and Practice of Leadership, I met this great man in class, oh my God! And that’s how we met. We met at Harvard.
Eddie Turner:
We met at Harvard. We did the Harvard Kennedy School program together.
Linus Okorie:
Absolutely. That’s where we met. And it was a long period of connecting and networking and talking about the future and what we can do together. And I’m so excited that Eddie Turner right now is playing a major role in the GOTNI Leadership Center as a faculty member.
Eddie Turner:
I didn’t know I was an official faculty member now. Okay, that’s cool. Well, I’ve enjoyed working with you all and the amazing leaders that you’re producing there at the GOTNI Leadership. So, just absolutely fantastic. And I want to talk about that a little bit more in just a second.
Let me say hello to someone else I met at Harvard. A couple years after you and I studied, I went back and I met the amazing Marianne Shank and she is one of the top leaders in Switzerland and she’s in the finest world there in Switzerland. So, thank you. We truly have an international audience tuning in today. We’ve got Colombia, we’ve got Switzerland, you’re coming from Nigeria. And now, let’s bring it back to Cincinnati, Ohio. Kendall Wright has joined us. Kendall Wright is an amazing leader. So, Kendall, we appreciate having you tune in with us as well. Absolutely wonderful.
Now, at the GOTNI Center, you have had some incredible leaders come through there, the best of the best and it’s been quite impressive. Tell us who this is.
Linus Okorie:
Oh, my God, this is the former president of Republic of Ghana, President John Kufuor. Interestingly, when we were about the business of setting up the GOTNI Leadership Center, we went to visit him in Ghana to officially form a partnership with him and listen to his wisdom on how we can introduce political leadership development process in Ghana. And he was fantastic. I mean, he’s been very supportive of that process. So, wow! Interesting, yes.
Eddie Turner:
The president of Ghana.
Then tell me about these folks.
Linus Okorie:
Oh, my God. This is the only John Maxwell. I mean, sometime in November, I was all the way in London where we went to this exchange program. I mean, 17,500 dollars to spend quality time with his team, I mean, leadership from all over the world. And very interestingly, the former prime minister of Britain, Tony Blair, was also present and it was a huge networking opportunity to share leadership opportunities and how leaders can grow. And I’m glad that all of these connections are adding value to the GOTNI Leadership Center in Abuja at the moment.
Linus Okorie:
Oh, by God! This is Brian Tracy.
Eddie Turner:
Yes, Brian Tracy.
Linus Okorie:
Just about two days ago, Brian Tracy was live. We trained Development Bank of Nigeria. It’s one of the most interesting banks in Nigeria. And their top management, their CEO and the rest of them and Brian Tracy was live on my invitation to the Leadership Center as a faculty and the head of faculty to inspire the audience and everything but I went all the way to San Diego to spend time with Brian Tracy in November and it was amazing. And today, he’s a faculty at the GOTNI Leadership Center.
Eddie Turner:
Oh wow! So, I’m in good company then. Okay, great. So, you’ve had all these dignitaries and these great leaders come through and then every now and then you descend and you hang out with somebody like this.
Linus Okorie:
This is amazing.
Eddie Turner:
Now, let me ask you this though. What were we talking about here?
Linus Okorie:
We were talking about Leadership Development. We were talking about how we can network and viewed leadership capital for our continent. Oh, my God! Look at you! Where did you get all this?
Eddie Turner:
All right, one last photo down memory lane. This is just some of the other great people who we studied with there who are all accomplishing some great things in different parts of the world. And that was one of the things that I loved about when we think about leadership systems is the fact that that program had, what was it, 60 of us, 65 of us, more than half came from other parts of the world, so from all over the world. It was beautiful.
Linus Okorie:
Only two from Africa, [Inaudible] from Morocco and myself.
Eddie Turner:
Yes, yes it was absolutely beautiful. I love it.
Linus Okorie:
The energy is something else.
Eddie Turner:
The energy is absolutely something else. So, I had to show those because when I saw those, I was looking at your page, looking at some of the people who come through the center, I wanted to show that just to say that not only are you building the best leaders in Africa but you’re pulling from people around the world to do that. And so, you are making sure that people who are being trained in the GOTNI Center and developed as leaders truly bring that international thought leadership with them. And so, kudos to you.
Linus Okorie:
Absolutely, absolutely. And you know the world is a global village. Distance is dead.
Eddie Turner:
Especially now in the time of COVID, right?
Linus Okorie:
Absolutely. So, if distance is dead, what it means is that our competition is no longer local.
Linus Okorie:
The competition is international. Anybody who wants to make a big difference must be global, must be a global leader in the mindset, in the total packaging of the personality, must be global. There’s a way that the person will drive leadership that will be more sustainable and that is developing leadership systems in an individual’s life to enable the individual to connect with the very best of what happens around the world.
Eddie Turner:
So, how does an individual develop leadership systems in their life?
Linus Okorie:
First thing’s first, a great mentor of mine and somebody that I have a lot of great respect for, Dr. Myles Munroe, has defined leadership as the ability to inspire, motivate, drive a group of people towards a particular direction by inspiration, not intimidation or manipulation. At the center of that definition, it means that for any individual to be able to create initiative, initiate something that can add value to community or business or personal life, that individual must have some high level of preparation and that preparation will be to generate huge level of influence. And for that person to be able to do so, there must be four leadership systems that I designed a couple of years ago, four leadership systems. And the first of the leadership systems is the Learning System. Anybody who wants to make a difference globally must understand the concept of the Learning System. So, it’s a deliberate intentional method where the individual decides to be a perpetual learner for life. A perpetual learner for life, what it means is that the individual becomes hungry for knowledge because leadership flows to the one who knows. When somebody knows it, the person leads. When somebody is knowledgeable about a subject matter, the person provides solutions. And once the person is hungry for knowledge, in pursuit of knowledge, the person always says “I know nothing. I just don’t know” and the person, in every opportunity, he’s getting books, he’s reading both virtually and physically, the individual is keeping libraries, the individual is learning through observation, through reflection, the individual is learning through the power of questions. When he meets somebody great, he shuts his mouth and asks the right questions. And at the end of the day, the individual is on the good path because the individual is a learning person. His entire system is committed to learning.
Imagine if those who lead corporate entities and corporate bodies and political systems are so knowledgeable hat they know what is right, they know what is wrong, they understand the dynamics, what is the trend of things going on right now in their particular field of study, what current leadership competencies that are needed to be able to make progress and it is all in their fingertips. Imagine leaders understand that. That’s the first leadership system which is the Learning System.
Eddie Turner:
All right. So, the Learning System. You gave us a lot there. And I love your phrase “Leadership flows to the one who knows.”
Linus Okorie:
Eddie Turner:
I like that. That’s very nice, very nice. You said something very interesting that when someone meets a person of note that they should shut their mouth and just listen.
Linus Okorie:
Yes, because there’s a tendency that when people meet somebody important, somebody outstanding, there’s a tendency for these individuals to want to showcase and talk about what they have accomplished. When you meet somebody who has gone ahead of you, why don’t you shut your mouth and open your ears because your ears must ring with the voices of the people. Every leader should open their ears because the people must always speak. So, what the leader would do is to sit, if you cannot buy lunch or you cannot spend more time and even if it’s five minutes, you’re riding with him in a car or in a plane, you want to go into the question zone. You are asking the questions – “How did you get this done? What is going on with this project?”, this and that. And at the end of the day, it’s always an amazing opportunity. These guys always want to talk. They want to share yeah. So, why don’t we just ask all the questions because if we keep asking the questions, we learn more and then we get better.
Eddie Turner:
Now, here’s another reason why I honed in on what you said there. This was four years or five years ago. You may not remember this but Dr. Heifetz who we studied under, he kind of chastised our class. He said “You have all these experts to come together,” that we were trying to do exactly what you said. He said “Some of you can’t take yourself out of the role of expert long enough to become a learner.” He said “The faster you all can get out of expert mode while you’re here at Harvard and just become a learner, immerse yourself in the experience, the better off you will be.”
Linus Okorie:
Eddie Turner:
And boy, that made us all kind of sit back and zip it, right?
Linus Okorie:
Absolutely. And I said “I flew all the way from Africa, from Nigeria.”
Eddie Turner:
I remember you say that, yes.
Linus Okorie:
I said “I flew all the way from there to come and learn, to come and listen to the authority. Teach me.” So, my opinion is with me but if I learn more from the authority figure, if I learn more from the expert, what it means is that I can add to what I already know. And at the end of the day, I can create my own local content version. That’s what it is. Let me tell you something. If leaders understand this, positional leaders understand this, what it means is that they will listen more, get good feedback and then that will help them in executing their executive roles.
Eddie Turner:
And that’s what we need. That was a good lesson for us all. Excellent. Fantastic.
Well, I’m enjoying talking to you, Linus. This is good memories and good advice.
Hey, we’ve had a couple folks join us. We’ve got David. Welcome, David. David is joining us from Nigeria. Happy to have you with us. And he said “Dr. Linus is simply phenomenal.” So, no doubt one of those 300,000 people you’ve directly impacted is tuned in to listen and support you.
And we also have Princess Lilly. She’s watching from Africa. She says “Always a pleasure listening to you too. Amazing blend. So much wealth of knowledge.” Well, thank you Princess Lilly. So, she must have been one of the folks that was in the session I did that day virtually.
Linus Okorie:
Absolutely, yes.
Eddie Turner:
All right. Excellent. Wonderful.
Well, we want to thank Ivania from Colombia, Marianne from Switzerland, Kendall from Cincinnati, David from Nigeria, and Princess Lilly and all those other folks who’ve tuned in who haven’t said hello yet but I see the participant council excited to see all the folks who’ve tuned in with us.
I’m talking to the amazing Linus Okorie. He is one of the leading leadership coaches and leadership developers in Africa and Founder of the GOTNI Center. And what I’d like to do now is just to pause for a moment to acknowledge some people that help me do what I do.
So, first of all, let me tell you a little bit about the amazing people at Grand Heron International. The key to sustainable leadership lies in the ability to thrive during uncertainty, ambiguity, and change. Grand Heron International brings you to the Coaching Assistance Program, giving your employees on-demand coaching to manage through a challenging situation and arrive at a solution. Visit to learn more. I appreciate them always renewing with me.
And also, during the month of September I had other sponsors. American Express sponsored the Keep Leading!® Podcast, Microsoft, AT&T, Progressive, Wal-Mart and, as always, I appreciate the support from the folks over at C-Suite Network and specifically in this case, the C-Suite Radio team. Together we are turning the volume up on business.
You’re watching Keep Leading LIVE™. You can catch this episode later on in your social media feeds after the live broadcast concludes but you can also catch it on It will live there. And in November, this will get released as an audio only episode. So, stay tuned to to be able to get the audio version of this later on.
So, I’m enjoying my conversation with the amazing Linus Okorie. He is one of Africa’s leading leadership coaches, the founder of the GOTNI Leadership Institute, a speaker and an author.
Before the break, you were sharing with us point number one about how we build leadership systems in ourselves. So, what else would you like to share?
Linus Okorie:
First thing is the Learning System. The second thing I’d like to share is the Integrity System because, as a leader, every word you speak now begins to matter.
Linus Okorie:
When you say it, you do it. When you organize your system whereby honesty, the ability to be trustworthy becomes part of your system, the ability to be able to stand up and ensure that you accomplish service integrity, you accomplish product integrity, you accomplish systems integrity, a reliable system around you such that your name is connected to reliability. So, what it means is that when you offer a service, your service passes the integrity test. That’s what it means. So, when you build an integrity system as a leader, you begin to create a name that counts. I used to know a topic executive who was chairman of a great company and then several other companies. He was chairing companies all over the place. How was that happening? Anybody who wanted to invest in Nigeria, they would do a research, they want to find out the best names to bring on board to the companies. And most of the time, Mr. [inaudible][26:33] was one of those that everybody wanted him on board in their companies and they were paying him millions of dollars in that sense just being the chairman of board with no share or not owning the share. The person is supported with huge sums of money just because the person’s name attracts quality people, the person’s name is reliable. So, as leaders who are making great impact, we must get to a point where people believe us and they are convinced by what we represent. That is the quality of the integrity system that we must build at every point in time.
Eddie Turner:
And ethics and the people believing in what we represent, it matters, especially now. We see it in different areas of the globe and this is something that we also focus on and spend a lot of time studying, Linus. Can you tell me when you think about what’s happening as we see unfolding in the world, what’s been the biggest skill set outside of these two that you focused on, bringing in to the people who you’re impacting there at the GOTNI Leadership Institute?
Linus Okorie:
So, the next thing is the Vision System. The truth of the matter is that in very challenging times, in times when people are forced to look at the reality of what is going on and they are scared, they are afraid, they lose courage to pursue. There’s no other time than now that leaders will begin to have a sense of vision, great vision, where leaders can begin to think about what is not existing now and are willing to create those things looking, beyond the now, looking beyond reality, creating things in your mindset, visionary mindset, a mindset that can capture the future because if a man does not have purpose for waking up, sleeping becomes interesting. What happen really is that vision has a way of driving progress. When somebody has a vision, the stretching game comes, the person begins to stretch. There’s a keep-at-it factor. There’s a push that comes with it. There’s a strength that because you see something what every other person is not seeing. In times like this, all over the world, only those who can see beyond now, beyond today, beyond reality, who can look and see “What could be possible?” Do you know that there is [inaudible][29:40]? [Inaudible] In the eastern Germany was given the opportunity by government to privatize 700 own companies and was given 32 staff and was given the Monday to sell one or two per day. When he succeeded, he was asked how did he succeed. You know what he said? There are no models, which means that every individual listening to me today can decide to see a vision nobody else has ever seen and believes in it and gets to the point where he puts all his energy or she puts all the energy into the position of that vision and stretch the best that you can stretch with all the timelines, with all the clear values for realizing them, with all the specifications and pursuing and at the end of the day, that dream comes alive. When that dream is accomplished, it means somebody has brought an invention to the world, it means somebody has brought a solution to the world, it means somebody has brought a service that has solved a problem in the world. It means that the person has stayed in his room and stayed the course of the growth process and grew in mind and grew in creating a product that has become innovative, that has solved some problem and then at the end of the day, people are excited. You know what that means?
Linus Okorie:
What it means is that leaders are visionaries.
Eddie Turner:
I love the idea that he said he was successful because there was no framework, no model in front of him. So, he had to be a visionary and create it himself. So, what if someone is lacking in vision and they don’t know where to start, Linus? What would you recommend?
Linus Okorie:
What I recommend, basically, is that people must begin to allow their minds to take away fear. Fear must go. That’s why mind leadership is important where the individual begins to lead from the mind. Mind leadership is a deliberate effort where decisions, because we talk to ourselves on a daily basis and there are things that will scare us to death that penetrate into our mindset – anxiety, the fear of the unknown, uncertainty. All of those things can cause us not to think beyond our noses.
Linus Okorie:
And so, what happens usually is that we begin to think about all the bad things that could happen to us, how the world has gone bad and a lot of us get into depression, a lot of us get into a state of inaction, and a lot of us are lost completely, some even commit suicide in that state. So, what it means is that we get into a game of mind security where the leader decides to secure what comes in and only what he or she permits that comes in. Anything that can bring value in the belief system that everything is going to be fine is shut out and everything that encourages “The future is bright. Wow! I can do something.” And then once you get to the state where I can create something that the world will value, what happens is that there’s a sense of urgency in that creation that happens to us. We begin to look at the possibilities of what can be, what could happen, what could we make happen. We begin to look at the solutions that we can bring to the world. Once we start thinking solutions, that we are solutions despite COVID-19, we can create something that can help someone somewhere – “Somebody has a need somewhere. I want to be the solution.” Once leaders begin to think that way, it begins to fulfill the next concept that leaders eat last. Leaders eat last. At every point in time, it’s not about us, every leader thinks, “It’s not about me. It’s about society. It’s about the common good. It’s about community. Despite the fact that I’m hurting, how can I help myself not to hurt to be able to because I need to meet some other people’s needs? I need to create something that the world needs now.”
So, that is the point I’m trying to make. So, leaders go beyond themselves and think of what is not currently existing and create a system where they will be in a vision mode consistently and generating ideas, ideas begin to drop in. When those ideas begin to drop in, the leaders begin to expand those ideas and research and they begin to create a process where, at the end of the day, they are already bringing something different to the world in two, three, four, five months down the line. They invent a new company. they have created a new social enterprise. They have created some interventions that is just meeting somebody’s need. That is what vision is literally about. A visual system for any leader is a must.
Eddie Turner:
Very good. So, to get there, I love what you said, that we have to get rid of fear because fear and creativity cannot exist and then they rub out our vision.
Eddie Turner:
Mayomi has joined us. Thank you, Mayomi, for joining. He says “You have an excellent personality.” And David says that “Everything that can’t bring value, we shut out. Every leader thinks about the society and the common good.” And, finally, he says “Leaders go beyond themselves and create systems.” I’m sorry, that wasn’t David. That was Olugie Joe on all three of those. So, excellent. Fantastic.
All right. so, really good feedback for those who are listening to us. You’ve shared three really good tips with us.
Linus Okorie:
The final leadership system, I’d like to share.
Eddie Turner:
Go right ahead. Close this out.
Linus Okorie:
The final leadership ship is called the Execution System. Michael Roberts wrote a book titled Action Has No Season, the concept of developing an action mentality whereby every leader must be in the center of proactive engagement. So, the leader is an executor. So, you have an idea right now. That idea is thought through, solutions created, executed. So, when leaders learn how to get things done – I think about it, it is a good idea, I execute. A lot of people talk too much. There’s plenty to talk – “I’m going to do this. I’m going to do that. I’m going to do that.” I remember one young man who came to my conference a couple of years ago. He brought an idea to me and he said “This is my vision. I want to get this done.” I looked at the idea, great plan and I said “Let’s make it happen. Go and execute it.” Next year he comes back to my conference with the same plan. He hasn’t done anything about it. He hasn’t taken the first step. And I just said to him “You are wasting my time. The world is moving at a faster rate. There is what is called race of nations. Everybody is racing to become. The process of becoming is getting exciting. People want to accomplish great things. And so, if you have an idea and you say “I’m waiting, I’m waiting,” somebody else somewhere in the world is going to pick that idea from somewhere and execute it. Don’t wake up tomorrow and say “That’s my idea.”” Do you hear what I’m saying?
Linus Okorie:
Because time waits for nobody. You must develop leaders. Political leaders globally must think in the concept of “What can I do to get my people out of poverty? What can I do to create wealth for my people? What can I do?” And it is the concept of “What can I do? Done. Done. Done.” And as you’re moving and getting things done, you know what happens? Action is associated with leadership. Proactivity is associated with leadership. When you have an action mentality within a company, within a business, it becomes an action mentality culture resident in that business. It becomes the behavior of the organization. The business will begin to breathe. The business will begin to move. Things will begin to happen because everyone is thinking about “How can we connect with activity that is targeted on accomplishing something that is important?” Busyness is not taking action. It is possible to be busy going all over the place but no action has taken place. And once we understand that leadership is associated with taking action, and when leaders take action, things happen.
Eddie Turner:
So, now summarize that list for us just one more time briefly.
Linus Okorie:
So, the list is number one is a learning system. Number two is an integrity system. Number three is a vision system. And number four is execution system. And this is how to live. If you want to lead as a leader, you really have to live which is create a learning system, an integrity system, a vision system, and then execution system.
Linus Okorie:
If you do that for personal life, it will create leaders within your own business or family or whatever.
Eddie Turner:
Now, Linus, your passion, your intellect shine through and that was one of the things that endeared you to everybody in our Harvard program and why you clearly stood out. So, I’m excited to get that passion and that intellect here on the Keep Leading LIVE™ program and share it with our audience around the world. Thank you for being a guest today at Keep Leading LIVE™. Where can my listeners learn more about you?
Linus Okorie:
Absolutely. So, you can go to my Instagram page and just follow me at @_LinusOkorie. That’s it. Go to Twitter, follow me on Twitter, @LinusOkorie1 specifically. Go on Facebook. Follow me on Facebook. And on LinkedIn it’s also Linus Okorie. And then you can also visit our website
Eddie Turner:
Excellent. I will put that into the show notes when we release the audio only episode and then people will be able to follow you there.
Lisa has stayed with us the entire time. She said she loved this. “Thank you both.” Lisa, thank you for sticking in there with us. We appreciate it. We had a truly international audience today. So, we appreciate everyone who joined us from Nigeria, from Colombia, and we had Switzerland. Just an amazing audience today.
Linus, thank you for being here and helping us to understand how we build leadership systems in ourselves.
Linus Okorie:
Thank you so much, my brother, and it’s been fun. I look forward to get to see you at the faculty soon.
Eddie Turner:
I will see you soon.
And that does it for this episode, everyone. I’m Eddie Turner, The Leadership Excelerator®, reminding you that leadership is not about our position. It’s not about our title. Leadership is about action. Leadership is about activity. As Linus reminded us, we must be busy but not just busy, we must execute. Leadership is also something that’s progressive. It’s not the case of being once we’re a leader, we’re always a leader. We must consistent work hard to allow leadership to emanate from our core. So, whatever you’re doing, always keep leading.
Thank you for listening to your host Eddie Turner on the Keep Leading!® Podcast. Please remember to subscribe to the Keep Leading!® Podcast on iTunes or wherever you listen. For more information about Eddie Turner’s work, please visit
Thank you for listening to C Suite Radio, turning the volume up on business.
The Keep Leading!® podcast is for people passionate about leadership. It is dedicated to leadership development and insights. Join your host Eddie Turner, The Leadership Excelerator® as he speaks with accomplished leaders and people of influence across the globe as they share their journey to leadership excellence. Listen as they share leadership strategies, techniques and insights. For more information visit or follow Eddie Turner on Twitter and Instagram at @eddieturnerjr. Like Eddie Turner LLC on Facebook. Connect with Eddie Turner on LinkedIn.